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Service Recap: Boroughbreak

On March 2, 2024, Alpha Phi Omega was joined by a special furry friend for Service…

APO participated in its first Boroughbreak in partnership with Animal Care Centers, Manhattan, a program run in various animal shelters where volunteers can take out a shelter dog for a daytrip. Our chapter’s animal/animal shelter-centered event dreams finally came true!

With great anticipation, Sidd and I took the 6 train on a long ride all the way to 110th St. and made a short trek to the MACC. After meeting with the associates in the lobby, we waited patiently for our dog to be brought out, listening to the symphony of dogs barking inside the inner adoption floor.

Finally, they brought out our dog: a one year old, gray and white pitbull mix named Rodger!

Our adventure was about to begin!

Leaving MACC and returning to the train station to meet our pledges took much longer than going there. Rodger must have been so excited to get out of the shelter because he was getting sidetracked every few feet, incessantly sniffing every piece of trash or food scrap on the sidewalk. When we met with the pledges, we spent a little while strolling through the northeast corner of Central Park. Despite the light misting of rain, there were many other dogs out and about, which Rodger was not too happy about. He seemed to get a bit nervous and agitated with other dogs, barking until he started coughing a bit. The pledges helped to steer him away and block his view of them, saying that if he couldn’t see them, they definitely weren’t there.

Soon all the walking was making Rodger thirsty, as he started drinking the puddles in the park. Sidd sprang into action, going to Dunkin Donuts to get Rodger a big water cup that he could drink out of. The Dunkin gave him a large ice water for $1, which Rodger drank happily.

Unfortunately, the rain started picking up, and we didn’t want Rodger to get too cold and wet, so we looked around for a cafe which could welcome our furry companion. Besides, it was time for the brothers and pledges to have a break from walking and something hot to eat as well. We found Claire’s Cafe, but we noticed that there was a huge golden retriever inside—it seemed that Rodger would have to be brave. Luckily, the golden was mostly hidden behind the door, and we don’t even think Rodger noticed him. Rodger had more water, snacks provided by the MACC, and even a sliver of bacon from Sidd’s breakfast sandwich.

Rodger was definitely having a great time in the cafe, sniffing all the patrons and even jumping up on them and the waiters when he smelled more bacon. Finally, he calmed down a bit and sat down to accept our pats and rubs. Rodger showed himself to be a very loving and lovable dog who enjoyed jumping up for snacks, sitting at our feet, and being pet.

Soon enough, our day with Rodger was coming to an end. Luckily, he squeezed out every moment of his outing with us as he took just as long to walk back to MACC than he took to leave it, sniffing everything along the way. Brothers and pledges alike were sad to see him go, but he’s such a good dog that we’re sure he won’t be stuck in the shelter for long…!

Rodger has been named our honorary APO doggy mascot! Love you Rodger <3

We plan to have another Boroughbreak before the end of the semester, hopefully on a warm sunny day!


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